  • “Kamikaze Warfare” – The Day Boys Became Men: A Tribute to Chief Machinist Mate Charles David Taylor, USNR

    WWII (1943-46)

    The Chief Petty Officers (CPOs) were and remain today the backbone of the Navy. They are the men and women who have made careers out of the sea services,...

  • “Kamikaze Warfare” — A Personal Diary

    WWII (1943-46)

    On April 11, 1945, the KIDD was struck by a kamikaze while on radar picket duty off the eastern coast of Okinawa. Without a doubt, this is the most...

  • “Kamikaze Warfare” – A Sailor’s Remembrance

    WWII (1943-46)

    On April 11, 1945, the KIDD was struck by a kamikaze while on radar picket duty off the eastern coast of Okinawa. Without a doubt, this is the most...

  • “Families At War” – Brothers in the Pacific

    WWII (1943-46)

    Leo Goulet was aboard the KIDD from the time of her commissioning in April of 1943 to the end of the war in September of 1945. As can be...

  • “Who’s That Girl?” — A Love Story

    WWII (1943-46)

    Kara-Ann Martin of Hamilton Square, New Jersey, emailed us with a story about her grandfather, David Bruce Myles, who was a crew member aboard the KIDD during World War...

  • “Rescue at Guam” — July, 1944

    WWII (1943-46)

    Gunfire support was not the sole duty assigned to the KIDD while in the vicinity of Guam, nor the only close encounters with the enemy that she experienced. Records...

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Museum Closed 12/25/2024

The museum will be closed only on Christmas Day,12/25/2024. We are open on Christmas Eve. Happy Holidays to you all.